Vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt die Bedienungsanleitung lesen. 2 Dweezil Zappa Srh<*
Vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt die Bedienungsanleitung lesen. 2 Dweezil Zappa Srh<*
Just think, 11 pedals you’ll NEVER have to buy! Press the encoder momentarily to enter Edit mode (15). 2 - Amp Encoder Turn this knob to select your amp model. If the LIGHT IS RED you are on the HIGH GAIN CHANNEL. If the LIGHT IS GREEN you are on the LOW GAIN SETTING. Press and HOLD FOR 2 SECONDS to enter tuner mode. The LEDs around the Amp encoder will identify which note you are tuning (or the closest note). At the same time the LEDs around Effects encoder (3) will indicate whether the note
What this means to you is unlike our competition, your amp will not only sound great at home, but incredible on stage and in the studio as well. CONGRATULATIONS and enjoy your VYPYR..... Before you begin playing through your amplifier, it is very important to ensure that the product has the proper AC line voltage supplied. You can find the proper voltage for your amp printed next to the IEC line (power) cord on the rear panel of the unit. Each product feature is numbered. Refer to the front pa
El tapón de la red o el acoplador del aparato son utilizados como el desconecta dispositivo, el desconecta dispositivo se quedará fácilmente operable. 20. La exposición a altos niveles de ruido puede causar una pérdida permanente en la audición. La susceptibilidad a la pérdida de audición provocada por el ruido varía según la persona, pero casi todo el mundo perderá algo de audición si se expone a un nivel de ruido suficientemante intenso durante un tiempo determinado. El Departamento para la S
La energía peligrosa puede ser presente dentro del chasis cuando el interruptor de en/lejos está en el de la posición. El tapón de la red o el acoplador del aparato son utilizados como el desconecta dispositivo, el desconecta dispositivo se quedará fácilmente operable. 20. La exposición a altos niveles de ruido puede causar una pérdida permanente en la audición. La susceptibilidad a la pérdida de audición provocada por el ruido varía según la persona, pero casi todo el mundo perderá algo de aud
The VYPYR is significantly different from other modeling amplifiers for several reasons, but the primary reason and key to tone is ANALOG distortion. Years spent perfecting our patented TransTube® technology have paid off in allowing us to combine REAL ANALOG distortion with one of the most advanced processors in ANY modeling amplifier, the 266 MHz Dual Core SHARC. This amazing combination of technology allows the VYPYR to operate up to five effects simultaneously while maintaining the real soun
BEFORE USING THIS APPLIANCE. READ THE OPERATING GUIDE FOR FURTHER WARNINGS. FRONT PANEL CI I? # Gr >Q Z5 :i 13 C 0 □ Cir^ tJ ,y;i io a "J m □ - * ü E ü Säv^ l)‘J ill ä?s i y-^v : < ©.“3 ® a Bi £ C Ki ° © 5 ■HIGH GAIN INPUT (1) Used for most electric guitars. It is 6 dB louder than the Low Gain input. LOW GAIN INPUT (2) Provided for instruments that have extremely high outputs, which can result in overdriving (distorting) the High Gain input. If both inputs are used s
To adjust, first make sure that nothing is plugged into the amp but the speaker cabinet. Turn the uniton and set the Pre Gain and Post Gain controls at 7 While listening to the speaker closely, gradually rotate the Hum Balance control using a screwdriver until hum is at a minimum. This procedure is required periodically. Reset Hum Balance after tube change. BOOSTER OUTPUT/REMOTE STANDBY (6) A preamp out signal which can be routed to another power amp. When placing a one button on/off switch in
Either channel is capable of driving the other and different effects can be obtained by the combined tone and volume controls. The overdrive feature is utilized in the following manner: A. Plug instrument into either one of the channels. B. Use a well shielded standard patch cord to patch the overdrive jack into the input jack of the other channel. Care should be taken to avoid getting the patch cord too near the speakers as it is possible to create electrical feedback by improper lead placem
Hum and buzz are kept to a minimum by using direct current (DC) to operate the preamp heaters. This method of heater power is used in most professional audio equipment using tubes. One circuit of the preamp uses the classic "passive" type tone controls which tend to produce a flatter sound than the newer feedback type as used in the second channel. Because the passive tone networks tend to be less effective than the feedback type, we have provided more of these type controls to allow better cont