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Gas-Fired Products Tube Series PTU

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Categoría: Eléctrico

INNOVATIVETUBEINTEGRITYSAFETYSYSTEM*(TISS™) Space-Ray’snewlydevelopedTubeIntegritySafetySystem* (TISS)providespeaceofmind.Itmayneverbeneeded,butintheunlikelyeventofatubefailure,youwillbehappythatyouhaveaTISS.Itissimple.Alowvoltagecircuitcontinuouslymonitorstheclearanceabovethereflectorforexcessiveoverheatandtubeintegritycompromise.Youmayneverknowitisthere,butonapositivepressuretubeheateritisnicetoknowyouhavetheTISS. LowVoltageCircuitControlTopofReflector10’LongAluminumWire& SleeveAssemblySpringR

Gas-Fired Products Tube Series PTS

Descargado: 4Tamaño del archivo: 1 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Eléctrico

Space-Rayinfraredheatersheatlikethesunbytransferringradiantheatenergydirectlytotheareastobeheated.Radiantenergyisabsorbedbyconcretefloors,objectsandpeople,andre-radiatedtowarmthesurroundingarea.Thisprincipleissimilartothesun’sradiantheatenergyheatingtheEarthbutnottheupperatmosphere.Thisheatingtech- nologycreatesacomfortzoneatfloorlevel,notattheceiling,andismuchmoreefficientthanconventionalforcedairheatingsystems. AhighlyradiantefficientSpace-Rayinfraredheatingsystemcannormallysaveabuild- ingowne

Gas-Fired Products SPACE-RAY Infrared Gas Tube Heaters

Descargado: 9Tamaño del archivo: 2 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

The Space-Ray Cold Blocker industrial strength infrared heater is made especially for residential garages, workshops or virtually any small unheated space. It's compact size (only 9 feet 3 inches in overall length) allows placement in those small, hard to heat areas where longer infrared tube heaters could not previously be used. HEAT FROM THE BOTTOM UP The new Space-Ray Cold Blocker heats from the bottom up. People, objects and floors are warmed directly by the sun like radiant infrared heat.

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series N7/L7

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Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 75

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

d) If the meter reads less than the minimum or if reading is unsteady: .. Make sure burner flame is capable of providing a good rectification signal. .. Make sure fasteners securing igniter/sensor are tightened to assure correct positions. DO NOT relocate igniter/sensor. .. Check for excessive (over 1000.F) temperature at ceramic insulator on flame sensor. Excessive temperature can cause short to ground. DO NOT relocate igniter/sensor. .. Check for cracked ceramic insulator, which can cause shor

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 50

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

Form #43343530 –44– JJuly 08 B; 4 ? D + 35. Q4 ?C 35.

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 40

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

7) When the thermostat is satisfied with high heat, the heater will switch to low fire. 8) To shut off the heater, rotate the gas valve knob clockwise to the “OFF” position and turn off the gas at the manual gas shut off valve supplying the heater and disconnect the electrical supply. NOTE: THE LIGHTING AND SHUTDOWN INSTRUCTIONS ARE ALSO SHOWN ON THE PERMANENT NAMEPLATE LABEL ATTACHED TO THE HEATER. Form #43343530 July 08 –39– 19.0) SEQUENCE OF OPERATION The chart below shows the sequence of ope

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 200

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

Multiple Heater Vertical venting arrangement. / . < . &+./'3%&2 '/ !O "!#) &$)2 ' 3 &99 ' 3 &99 ' & ; '5% . - > ! D A D D ; >. • Form #43343530 –36– JJuly 08 COMMON VENTING OF MULTIPLE HEATERS IN CONFINED SPACES IS PROHIBITED. If any heater connected to a common vent system for multiple heaters is found inoperative, the heater should be disconnected from the vent system and its entrance into the vent system capped. Multiple Heater Horizontal venting arrangement. >.

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 175

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

Gas pressures are shown in the table below. GAS TYPE GAS PRESSURE TABLE SUPPLY PRESSUREMANIFOLD PRESSURE High Low Minimum* Maximum Natural Gas 3.5” W.C. 1.4” W.C. 5” W.C. 14” W.C. Propane Gas 10.0” W.C. 4.0” W.C. 11” W.C. * Minimum permissible gas supply pressure for purpose of input adjustment. 14” W.C. –30– Form #43343530 JJuly 08 /C > / $8#1%<;"->#86%4>/, > / $8#1%<;"->* N -/ &$'* / &3',0/+/C4+/ DD /-,7!/"**"!,4/,+."+.

Gas-Fired Products PTS Series 150

Descargado: 0Tamaño del archivo: 3 mb    Fabricar: Gas-Fired Products  
Categoría: Los calentadores de gas

combination of fresh air and vent ft. (4” diameter) PTS/U 40/25 20 45 50 75 PTS/U 50/30 20 45 50 75 PTS/U 50/30 30 35 40 65 PTS/U 75/50 20 45 50 75 PTS/U 75/50 30 35 40 65 PTS/U 100/65 30 45 50 75 PTS/U 100/65 40 35 40 65 PTS/U 125/80 30 60 50 75 PTS/U 125/80 40 50 40 65 PTS/U 125/80 50 40 30 55 PTS/U 150/100 40 60 50 75 PTS/U 150/100 50 50 40 65 PTS/U 150/100 60 40 30 55 PTS/U 175/110 50 60 50 75 PTS/U 175/110 60 50 40 65 PTS/U 175/110 70 40 30 55 PTS/U 175/110 50 60 40 65 PTS/U 200/125 60 50 3
