El interruptor esta en “off” (apagado) funciona 2. El fusible esta quemado 3. El interruptor esta danado 4. Los cables electricos del motor estan flojos, desconectados o mal conectados 1. Cerciorese de que el interruptor este en “ON” (encendido) 2. Reemplace el fusible 3. Reemplace el interruptor 4. Vea las instrucciones del alambrado. Chequee y conecte bien todos los alambres El voltaje del capacitador podria ser peligroso. Para descargarlo toquelo con un desarmador aislado. CERCIORESE de soste
Quitele el tapon a la tuberia de descarga y llene la bomba y la tuberia de succion de agua limpia. Encienda la bomba. Si la bomba no comienza a bombear agua en 10 minutos, apaguela y llenela de agua limpia una vez mas. Si la bomba no funciona despues de varios intentos, chequee lo siguiente: 1. La distancia vertical entre la bomba y el nivel de agua no debe ser mas de 7,6 metros (25’). 2. Las tuberias de succion deben estar apretadas hermeticamente. 3. Cerciorese de que la(s) valvula(s) de las t
Usela solo para bombear agua limpia. No la use para bombear liquidos inflamables o explosivos tales como gasolina, combuestibles, Kerosene, etc. No la use en atmosferas inflamables o explosivas. Esto podria ocasionarle heridas y/o danos a su propiedad. Esta bomba no esta disenada para bombear agua salada, salmuera, agua con detergentes o para ningun tipo de aplicacion donde el agua pueda contener quimicos causticos y/o desperdicios. Esto podria danar la bomba y cancelaria la garantia. Todos los
Consultele a un plomero profesional sobre los materiales adecuados y las instrucciones para instalarla. Si hay fugas en las conexiones le entrara aire a las tuberias ocasionando que la bomba no funcione bien. Cerciorese de sellar todas las conexiones con selladores de tuberias o cinta de Teflon®. Para instalar la bomba en pozos excavados, Cisternas, Lagos y Manantiales • Instalele una valvula de pie a la tuberia de entrada y metala dentro del agua. No ubique la valvula de pie a menos de 0,61 met
After about 10 minutes of operation, check the return fittings for air bubbles. A continuous flow of air indicates leaks in the suction line. Locate and correct any leaks immediately. CONTROLLING PUMP DISCHARGE Keep the gate valve in the suction line fully open during operation. To control the discharge, use a valve in the return line. Do not retighten strainer Ring-lok during operation. Do not operate pump with closed suction or discharge valve. WATER CHEMISTRY Proper and consistent use of chem
Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference. Pool Pumps Description This swimming pool pump is designed for use with permanently installed pools only. These pools can be either in-ground or above-ground. Unpacking After unpacking the unit, carefully inspect for any damage that may have occurred during transit. Check for loose, missing or damage
If the power source is out of sight, lock and TAG IN OPEN (OFF) POSITION to prevent unexpected power application. Failure to do so could result in fatal electrical shock! This unit is not designed for use in septic tanks or underground vaults to pump raw sewage or effluents. Never use in hazardous or explosive locations. 1. This pump has been designed to attach to a standard garden hose. Thread the female end of the garden hose to the male discharge on the pump. 2. To reduce leakage between the
2. Disassembly of the motor prior to expiration of warranty will void the warranty. If repairs are required, see troubleshooting chart. 3. Inlet should be kept clean and free of all foreign objects and inspect annually. A clogged inlet will damage pump. 4. Pump should be checked monthly for proper operation. This pump contains dielectric oil for cooling. This oil can be harmful to the environment. Check the state environmental laws before disposing this oil. Figure 6 - Duplex System Off Level On
Cutting the cord or plug will void the warranty and make the pump inoperable. Figure 4 - Typical Installation Three prong grounded outlet equipped with a ground fault interruptor Main waste line to sewer or septic tank 2 in. Discharge pipe Upper level drainage Cleanout Pump Float Switch Flange Floor drain Dryer Washer Laundry tubs Vent pipe Lavatory Shower Washer drain 45° Elbow 2 in. Check valve 2 in. gate valve Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Union Operating Instructions and Parts Manu
All models with a plug-in power cords system should still have a qualified electrician inspect the outlet being used to ensure proper wiring. Grounding Grounded Blade Outlet Power Cord Switch Cord Figure 3 TESTRESET The control switch is a wide-angle system which prevents short cycling of the pump motor and the consequential problems that short cycling can cause. The switch can be mounted on the discharge pipe (just above the pump discharge flange). See illustrations for switch mounting arrangem